Before you read today's post, please note that I fully comprehend how frivolous and materialistic it is. Understand that I am highly appreciative of my spoiled American life, and that I am cognizent of the fact that, world-wide, children are starving to death daily at an alarming rate. I am grateful for the heaps of food on my plate, the warmth of my 2000 sq. ft. home, and the thousands of dollars of ridiculous and unnecessary gadgetry contained within. WHO AM I to have the ability to record FOUR DIFFERENT TELEVISION SHOWS at the same time when there are people suffering so much misery and pain?
The flesh is weak and I am a lothesome human being who knows these things but is too lazy to Do Something About It. I am not out there in the soup kitchens and Peace Corps where I would be Making a Difference. My Teach for America karma is all used up and now I can only sit, troll-like, in my living room and contemplate my place in this world as a fraud. And then when the self-flagellation grows tiresome, I can think about ...
More Useless Shit I Covet
If I had an extra $14.95 a month, I would
move my blog to TypePad. I am under the impression that this would give me more street cred as a blogger. Ideally, I would just build my own blog using
Movable Type, I know. But the thought of that makes me tired. But if I used TypePad, there would be categories! And TypeLists! And FOAF GENERATION! (I'm just kidding about that last part. I mean, it would be there. But I wouldn't know what the hell it was.)
If I had roughly an extra $1000 lying around, I would buy a
digital SLR, mayhaps the
Nikon D70. I have this fantasy going where owning a D70 would magically transform me into a master photographer and I would quit my job and slink around town in a beret taking
really sweet photos of shit really close up and really far away, all properly focused and never blurry. Also, I would be able to take photos instantaneously instead of holding down the button for 30 seconds which is fine for Thanksgiving with the Family but not so much for anything, you know, cool.
I would not say no to a
dvd player for the bedroom. This fantasy involves lounging about in bed watching Meg Ryan movies on a Sunday morning while the rain pitter-patters against the window. Since Sunday mornings in the Land of Reality involve waking up at 8:30 and vacuuming and doing four loads of laundry, I can pretty safely say that I'm not missing out on that much.
Were a few more hundred dollars to magically appear in my bank account, I would
buy many items at the Posh Baby
online store. Don't worry, it's not the grief talking -- I am fully aware that I am neither a mother nor with child. But hopefully I will be one day and in the meantime I could take out my brand-new, not-yet-pooped-on, diaper bag in Twirl out of the closet and pet it during the hard times.
manicures, pedicures, and eyebrow waxings got canned post-salary-cut. As a result, my husband now shrinks back in horror when confronted with the chipped mess that is my toes, and although I give my eyebrows a few half-hearted plucks every now and then, they're teetering on the brink of Teen Wolf. Sure, I could do my own fingers and toes, but that would require time and effort and I just got the next
Alias DVD in the mail from Netflix so I couldn't possibly SPARE THE GEEDEE TIME.
Having now alienated all readers with my wretched display of commercialism, I am now going to quietly hate myself while enjoying a Sonny Bryan's frito pie.