Some things you need to know about me
1. The people who came to install our second DirectTV TiVo receiver (this one goes out to you, Tom Wanat!) this morning might have been the biggest hicks in the world. And people, I've spent gobs of time in MISSISSIPPI. I honestly could not understand what the woman was saying half the time. And the man had a cold and kept making that horrible loogie-making noise every five minutes. I really wanted to push them out the door and connect the damn thing myself, but you know, they're "professionals."
2. BK is in Pascagoula doing document review. He forgot his rubber finger, which, though it looks like a gerbil condom, is apparently a very important tool in the document review process. Hang in there, BK! Power through sans finger!
3. I have signed the Slav household up for Netflix again. We had Netflix in DC, but BK cruelly cancelled the service. APPARENTLY the same three movies lying there on top of the TV for 6 weeks was a Waste of Money. WHATEVER.
I think I've realized that the reason I was not a successful Netflix user in the past is because I really need to be feeling a movie to sit down and watch it. Sometimes I am in the mood for something heavy, sometimes I'm in the mood for, say, Dodgeball. And if one does not monitor one's QUEUE (am I the only person who gets a delicious thrill of excitement every time I type "queue"?) properly, one runs the risk of being stuck with Schindler's List, The Ice Storm, and Saving Private Ryan all at once. And then you're screwed if you're not in the mood to shoot yourself in the head.
4. I lost my wallet yesterday, in a shameful display of not being on top of things. Luckily, someone turned it in to the campus police. PHEW!
5. My love for Colin Firth was drastically decreased upon viewing him as greasy-haired Vermeer in Girl with a Pearl Earring. Luckily, I'd watched Pride and Prejudice and Love, Actually over the holidays, so he didn't fall out of favor completely. But Colin's now barely clinging to the top three, after Hugh Grant and George Clooney. Will Smith is RIGHT THERE, buddy. One more stringy-haired performance and you're HOSED.
And lastly, here is a non-comprehensive and completely random list of movies coming out this year that I'm excited about:

3. I have signed the Slav household up for Netflix again. We had Netflix in DC, but BK cruelly cancelled the service. APPARENTLY the same three movies lying there on top of the TV for 6 weeks was a Waste of Money. WHATEVER.
I think I've realized that the reason I was not a successful Netflix user in the past is because I really need to be feeling a movie to sit down and watch it. Sometimes I am in the mood for something heavy, sometimes I'm in the mood for, say, Dodgeball. And if one does not monitor one's QUEUE (am I the only person who gets a delicious thrill of excitement every time I type "queue"?) properly, one runs the risk of being stuck with Schindler's List, The Ice Storm, and Saving Private Ryan all at once. And then you're screwed if you're not in the mood to shoot yourself in the head.
4. I lost my wallet yesterday, in a shameful display of not being on top of things. Luckily, someone turned it in to the campus police. PHEW!
5. My love for Colin Firth was drastically decreased upon viewing him as greasy-haired Vermeer in Girl with a Pearl Earring. Luckily, I'd watched Pride and Prejudice and Love, Actually over the holidays, so he didn't fall out of favor completely. But Colin's now barely clinging to the top three, after Hugh Grant and George Clooney. Will Smith is RIGHT THERE, buddy. One more stringy-haired performance and you're HOSED.
And lastly, here is a non-comprehensive and completely random list of movies coming out this year that I'm excited about:
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe
- Hitch
(this could be awful, but, WILL!) - Bride and Prejudice
- Batman Begins
(only cause I can't wait to see BK pee on himself in public)
If I could pre-order a personal copy of In Good Company (in theaters nationwide January 14th), I would. I have a serious girl-crush on Scarlett Johansson. Plus, I've cried every time I saw a preview for it. Dennis Quaid is probably on my top 10-list, maybe 30, whatever .... he's in.
Can't condone anyone having G.C. in their List. If he could stop doing that twitchy mouth eye blinking thing, maybe, but probably still no.
Batman Begins has Christian Bale in it. YUUUUMMMMMMMM!! And he's been in the gym quite a lot since Newsies
~ missy
In Good Company looks so good and a certain someone sneers when the preview comes on, so I am thinking of forbidding him from seeing it with me. I don't need snarky commentary. Also! I cannot WAIT for this:
oh no. it is too long. i don't know how to do neat computery-things. well i'll just tell you
Rumor Has It: Rob Reiner! Jennifer Aniston! MARK RUFFALO! SHIRLEY MACLAINE! KKEEEVIN COOOOOSTNER! where has he beeeen? COMEBACK TIME!
You don't need no snarky-snicker crap during In Good Company. Leave the boy at home!!
~ missy
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