Jessica Simpson is not human
I also realized that I haven't seen the majority of the videos nominated for awards. I'm sure that next year I won't have heard the songs, and the year after that I won't have heard of the artists, and then I'll just be in my rocker on the front porch waving my cane at passers-by, screeching in my rickety-krickety old lady voice, "You goddamn kids stay off my lawn!"
Oh look, there's Cristina Aguilera, being all '20s? '40s? Some indeteriminate old-timey jazz era. That's so cute. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that Nelly wasn't really playing the piano. Hm. That Nelly. He's an enigma.
One last pressing matter -- what the hell has P. Diddy done to his hair?!?! He thinks that "there is nothing hotter or sexier than a Miami fiesta." Mase thinks the "youf of America" need to vote. Poor Alicia Keyes forgot to put on a very necessary bra.
I'm so frightened. Beyonce's hair may eat us all.
Update: Ok, I lied. I said one last pressing matter, but this show is such a train wreck I cannot stop. Ashlee Simpson just encouraged her co-presenter Tony Hawk to do some skateboarding tricks on the stage. While he did a few perfunctory runs up and down the ramp, runs SO perfunctory that even I in all my skateboarding ignorance could tell they were lame as hell, Ashlee screeched into the microphone, "HELL YEAH! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT." That's what I'm talking about.